Contact info
Please fill in an active email address. You will receive a message to verify the address. You email address will also serve as your username.

It is possible that you cannot receive email from us at a hotmail address. Please use a non-hotmail address. If you don't have another email address, please contact our helpdesk.
Company name
First name *
Last name *
Gender *
Email address *
Phone number *
Fax number
Mobile number
VAT number
Type of user
Address & Nr *
Zip & City *
Invoice address
Company address will be used. Click here to enter a different address.
You only need to enter the invoice address if it differs from your company address.
Address & Nr
Zip & City
Newsletter subscription
Yes, i would like to receive news about Fruitlook
Language preference
Choose your language
Choose your password. We advise you to use at least six characters consisting of letters and numbers.
Password *
Repeat password *
Terms and Conditions
Yes, I have read, understood and accept the General Conditions *
Yes, I have read, understood and accept the Privacy Statement *