Common page elements

Title bar

Each page has a title bar that looks like this:

title bar

The title bar contains the logo, the title of the page, the online indicator, a full-screen button, the synchronization dialog button, an information link and a profile button.

Clicking the logo reloads the page and restores the url to its default values.

The title shows the type of page and its main subject.

The online indicator is green when you're connected to the internet, and red when you're offline.

The full-screen button makes the application fill the entire screen. When pressed again, it returns to its normal state.

The synchronization dialog button opens the synchronization dialog.

The information link takes you to information about the application.

The profile button opens the profile and settings sidebar.

Action bar

Most pages have an action bar as well. It contains the main controls of the page. Some common elements you can find here are:

The Data product selector shows the active data product. You can change it. This will have an effect on the benchmark data of the fields that are shown.

Data product selector

The Period selector shows the current period. Click the "previous" and "next" buttons to change it.

Period selector

or click on the date to open a date picker

Date picker

The date you select will form the start of the period.

The Select farms button opens the farm select dialog.

Select farms button

The menu on the left folds out when you hover over it. It provides links to the main pages of the application.

You will likely see only some of these menu items. The other pages are not enabled on your system.


Synchronization dialog

The synchronization dialog shows the status of the synchronization of data from server to browser. This needs some explanation.

For fast and offline availability of the most basic data of the application, the farm and field data, this data is retrieved from the server and stored in the browser's database (IndexedDB). This synchronization happens twice a day, and it happens automatically.

So why this dialog? If you suspect that you're looking at outdated data, of if you know some data just changed and you don't want to wait for the next automatic sync, you can open this dialog and press "Sync now". The dialog also informs you of errors that might have occurred.

title bar

Select farm dialog

This is a dialog where you select a farm group, and within this group, a farm.

Click on one of the farm groups to go to the next page in the dialog. Then select one or more farms and click "OK".

The area that spans the fields of the selected farms will show up on the map. Zoomed in, the fields will show. Zoomed out, the farms and farm groups will be shown. Farms as light blue rectangles, farm groups as light green rectangles.

Select farms

Profile and settings sidebar

The profile and settings sidebar shows the current user's email, the language switcher, the Sign Out button, and some links.

The update profile information button lets you update your profile information. Here you can update your profile information like your phone number and other information, for instance, your newsletter subscription. The content of this can vary based on the application you work with.

title bar

The language switcher show the currently selected language and allows you to change it.

The Sign out button logs you out of Fieldlook.

title bar