Import your shapefile

FruitLook allows you to upload a shapefile ( with multiple fields. All fields will be read from the shapefile. Subsequently you can enter/alter a name, crop and field category and select the seasons for each field.

The shapefile needs to meet the following requirements:

  1. The shapefile must contain POLYGONS;
  2. The shapefile needs to be saved in geographic coordinates (long, lat; WGS84; EPSG: 4326);
  3. No lines of a polygon may overlap;
  4. The shapefile cannot contain polygons with a gap in the polygon itself;
  5. The shapefile needs to be provided in ZIP format, containing at least a .shp, a .shx and a .dbf file; You can download the following example:
  6. The shapefile must contain the following columns (Column names must be equal to the below):
    • FieldName
      • Name the field according to your preference
    • Crop
      • The crop name must be similar to the names used on FruitLook. Click here for a list of the crops that are availible on FruitLook
    • Category
      • Provide field categories according to your preference
  7. The file must be in UTF-8 encoding file to be usable.

If you need help using this new functionality, please contact us via
Shapefile (.zip) *


Select the season(s) you want to order data for
